6 Articles
Creating & Assigning Workflows
What is a Workflow?
How do I create a Workflow?
How do I assign a Workflow to a candidate?
Where can I view the status of Workflows I have assigned?
Can I search for a particular candidate in a Workflow?
5 Articles
Customizing Assessments and Reports
How do I set up test cases for self-authored tests?
Can I build and deliver my own test on your platform?
How do I create a custom score report (Personalized Report)?
Can I use scores from a publisher’s assessment to create my own report?
What are custom “Demographics”? How do I add them to the tests I use?
5 Articles
Getting Started
I forgot my Password. What do I do now?
I’ve verified my email address and completed the registration form. When will I receive confirmation of registration?
How do I register?
Which subscription is right for me?
What is my Dashboard and how do I customize it?
5 Articles
Getting to Know Talogy
When was the True Talent platform developed?
How many clients do you have?
Do you offer Consulting Services?
How do I contact Technical Support?
What is your Privacy Policy?
8 Articles
Locking Down Security
Why are you updating security? How will the changes affect my account?
What are the new password requirements?
When will the new Identity Verification process go into effect? What does it involve?
Who needs to have their identity verified?
Why did some email templates change?
5 Articles
Can I order an additional report after the assessment has been completed?
How do I order assessments from the Talogy catalog?
Can I group assessments so candidates can take 2 or more in one session?
What is the expiration time period on purchased assessments?
Where can I view my order history?
8 Articles
Pricing & Payment
What are the prices for the assessments/reports on the Talogy platform?
Is there a discount for buying assessments in bulk?
What forms of payment do you accept?
Can you store my credit card information?
How do I get approved to use Purchase Orders?
4 Articles
Setting Up Administrators
How do I approve administrators on my account?
Who is allowed to login to my Administrator portal?
Can my organization have multiple accounts and users for different divisions/offices/locations?
Which Security Group(s) should I assign to the Administrators I approve?
7 Articles
How do I change a candidate’s contact and/or login information?
Who is allowed to login to my Administrator portal?
Where is the “Settings” tab?
How do I change my contact and other account information?
How do I modify the system-generated emails?
3 Articles
Understanding the True Talent Platform
Does your platform support multiple languages?
How often do you release new features and enhancements?
Do you have a user guide for the True Talent platform?
10 Articles
Using the Catalog
How do I order assessments from the Talogy catalog?
What information will I find in the catalog?
How do I determine which assessment(s) to use?
Which types of assessments are in the Talogy catalog?
How do I search for assessment information in the catalog?
11 Articles
Accessing Results
What will I find in the “Results” section?
Where can I view the status of assigned assessments?
How do I export data outside of the administrator portal?
Where can I see which assessments I have assigned and to whom they were assigned?
Where can I view score reports for completed assessments?
14 Articles
Assigning Assessments to Candidates
Can I cancel an assigned assessment and reassign it to someone else?
Can I order an additional report before I assign the assessment?
Can I group assessments so candidates can take 2 or more in one session?
How do I assign an assessment to a candidate?
How long will it take for a candidate to complete the assigned assessments?