Candidate Login Problems
The following templates include instructions to candidates who are having problems accessing an assessment.
The current wording states that we will send an email with login information. Because we can no longer email Login IDs and Passwords, we will override the current statement with this sentence, “If you have technical problems reaching the assessment, go to %%LoginUrlLink%% and click on the “Log On” button. The following screen will prompt you for login help.”
For the standard email templates identified above, only base text will be changed. If you have customized content on any of the above templates, it will not be altered.
Reset Password
This template will no longer be available. To preserve the integrity of login credentials, Password changes will now be executed by the user (Administrator or Candidate). The process will be similar to what you have experienced with banks and credit card companies.
Registration Approval
The standard email template will be significantly shortened due to the elimination of detailed login information. Administrators will simply be advised that their registration has been approved and provided with a link to access their account. We are not overriding any customized templates.
Registration Rejected
We are no longer reaching out to request missing information from the registration form, thus we are shortening the standard Registration Rejected template to reflect the new, abbreviated process. We are not overriding any customized templates.
Registration Received – Administrator Copy
We are revising the first paragraph of the standard template to eliminate “you will be emailed a Login ID and Password…”, replacing that statement with “you will be sent an email with instructions on how to access information on our online assessments…”. If you have a customized template that refers to a Login ID or Password, we urge you to modify your template after November 6. Talogy will assist you with any questions.